About Us
Indivisible MN03 comprises members of various backgrounds and political persuasions, from progressives to moderates to Never-Trump Republicans. Some of us joined as first-time activists in 2016, while others have been at this for decades. What unites us is a passion for preserving our democracy and protecting our Constitutional rights.
Our group is not affiliated with any campaign or political party. As a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, IndivisibleMN03 does not donate to, cooperate or consult with, or provide information or other support to candidates, political parties, or PACs. We hold members' contact information in confidence, using it only to communicate directly with them. We sometimes endorse candidates for office.
Throughout our district, local groups also inspired by the Indivisible movement have sprung up. While Indivisible MN03 and local chapters share the same U.S. House representative – Kelly Morrison – our groups function entirely independently. Indivisible MN03 promotes local groups' meetings and events, and vice versa, but affiliate groups have their own meetings, events, and rules, and decide individually on endorsements. See a list of local Indivisible chapters and contact information.
Board of Directors
Julie Cole, Chair & Acting Treasurer
Heidi Strommen, Vice Chair
Dave Olson, Secretary
Martha McNey, Promotions Director
Caitlin Cahill, Director
Betsy Kiekhafer, Director
Greg Laden, Director